Friday, October 27, 2006

It's All A Blur

This afternoon has been empty for me. First I went to see the stupidest movie with the Son Seekers, then we went back to church till after 10. I was totally out of it. Then things spiralled out of control when I realized that I might lose something that I've really started to love, but I don't know for sure. If you have no idea what I'm talking about, don't worry, if worse comes to worse, you'll find out. All I can do is hope that this is just a passing thing, just a false alarm that does nothing to me in the long run, and nobody will have to worry about, but I'm really scared that that won't be the case.
Please pray for me, I need it so badly.


SmallFri said...

Awwww Joey of course I'll pray for you!! I know how you feel...I've felt it on more than one ocassion!! Hope everythingworks out for you!!! Keep your head up!!


Nono said...

i'll pray for you to Joey.

Joey said...


Julia said...

what are you starting to lose..... a girl maybe??? or is it something totaly different? I'll pray for you.

Anonymous said...

Ok, the movie was not THAT bad. But I will pray too.