Thursday, October 26, 2006

From Awesome, To Awful, To Just OK

That just about sums up my week. Tuesday's highs totally flew out the window yesterday, when I got bogged down by homework. Then the server was down, so I couldn't post anything, and I was overflowing with things I wanted to write about. As if it couldn't get worse, I fell like I have so many times in the past. That fall sent me into extreme regret and frustration (these moments inspired my blog name). Today, was just ok. I finally got a couple huge assignments behind me, but I also found out that my team lost our debate on Tuesday, despite my awesome arguement. Then I had to present a 10 step Geometry proof, that went from geo. to algebra; it was soooo long. Then I watched other people present 3 step proofs that I could solve in 30 seconds. It was really annoying. I really should be doing homework now, but maybe I'll post something else later.


SmallFri said...

Wow sounds like Joey just needs to get away!! Geometry confused me...sometimes I would totally get it and other times I would totally be lost!!! So I know how that feels.


Julia said...

I'm doing Geo. this year too. Have you started construction yet? I love doing those!