Wednesday, February 06, 2008


This was just a little creative writing I did. It's not really my genre, but I kinda liked it.

Life is a bitch. She will always have her way no matter what. Every day, minute by minute, man submits to her will, one moment pounding his fists in defiance, another sitting in a corner, alone. Loneliness is his worst fear; she knows that. It is her weapon of choice, the weapon she wields against his stubborn nature. But in his darkest hour, when there is nothing within reach, a resolution is born. That man, with nothing to cling to, fosters a revolution. She goes on, laughing at his faded pride, scoffing at his feeble strength, yet he gets up, fearless, nothing to lose. He stands tall, knowing his weakness, and stares her in the eye as if to say, “Hit me again.” And it is in that moment that she realizes that she has made a mistake. She awoke a will stronger than her own. Any other creature would have given in by now, but this man stands his ground. He knows her power, and the delicate balance of his very existence, but still he stares, and she stares right back. Enraged, she deals him a fatal blow. He dies, realizing that there is nothing now that she can do to stop him. As he fades, his strength grows stronger, and in a moment he is gone, vanquished, yet victorious. His strength lives on, his legacy immune to her strength. He has won, and she can no longer touch him.

Saturday, February 02, 2008

Who Said That White Boys Can't Dance?

My sister, Gillian, turned six on Jan. 26, and we kept having to postpone her party, so my parents finally decided to brave Chuck E. Cheese's. It was the first time that I've ever felt like a racial minority. I'm talking about a black to white ratio of 10 to 1, not that I'm complaining; black women are ten times more entertaining than those stupid spoof movies (take The Comebacks and Meet The Spartans, for example). Chuck E. Cheese's, wow, not the average sixteen-year-old's idea of an ideal fun time. I think we made the most of it though. I played a knock-off of DDR (Dance Dance Revolution), and after a few tries, I was doing pretty well, well enough to attract the attention of some passers-by. You can imagine my impish glee after watching a bunch of black people cluelessly trying to play this dancing game, when I got up there and danced like it was nothing. Who said that white boys can't dance?
Hello Blogger. It's Been a While

Five months, to be exact. A fact hat can be attributed to the Facebook community. But I couldn't help but remember my old blog, left all alone, full of outdated personal information. So here I am now, writing a post to appear on this dull black background (which really needs to change). I'm thinking that I might overhaul this blog and start using it again, so stay tuned; I'll be back.