Saturday, March 03, 2007

The World Came Alive

I love Spring, and today is a sure sign that it's on it's way. During spring I get renewed energy, running is enjoyable again, and I have the insentive to work out, a trend that usually stays with me through the fall. Everything is so alive, everyone is always outdoors, and I don't feel so cooped up. I'm all for freedom and independence and Spring and Summer are the best times for both. Today when I ran, it was actually warm, and there were people all over the B&A trail, so, despite the fact that I ran alone, I didn't feel alone. This has been a good day; I've listened to good music and had nothing to worry about. The only way it could be any better is if I could hang out with my friends.


Julia said...


SmallFri said...

Joey you are funny!!! I like spring too because it means summer is coming and summer is my favorite season!!!!!

aly said...

I like spring the best because everything is new and promising.

Joey said...
